A Community First Yorkshire event

Children in Need masterclass

This training aims to improve your knowledge and understanding of the Children in Need grants programmes, leading to the submission of stronger applications. It will help you present your organisation or project effectively and submit a high-quality funding application.

Alice Dunn, Children in Need Grants Officer will host a Q and A session, providing an opportunity to explore what makes an application stand out from the competition.

Our funding expert, Nicky Ruddick, will talk you through the criteria for the funding programme and the application process.

This live, interactive training will be delivered on Zoom.

What will you learn?

By the end of the workshop, you will:

  • Understand what organisations and projects can be funded
  • Have considered how to improve your bid writing skills
  • Understand how applications are assessed and the common reasons for rejection
  • Understand outcomes and indicators for your project
  • Understand how to involve young people in the planning and implementation of a project
  • Know how to ensure your project is properly costed out

Who should attend?

This training is suitable for organisations and charities working with disadvantaged children and young people
(N.B. Children in Need does not provide funding for open access play areas.)

Please note this training is aimed at voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations and groups based in North Yorkshire or delivering services within North Yorkshire. 

What's included?

Course handouts and slides.

About the trainer

Nicky Ruddick has 20 years’ experience as a funding advisor, securing funding for hundreds of voluntary organisations including village halls, play areas, health and social care groups and youth clubs across North Yorkshire.

Cost and concessions

£35 (including VAT)

Concessionary places 

Thanks to funding from North Yorkshire County Council, we have free ‘first come, first served’ places if you meet either of the criteria below. You can self-select a free place during booking.


You are from a North Yorkshire VCSE organisation with an income of up to £5k


You are from a North Yorkshire VCSE organisation with an income of up to £25k that is experiencing financial hardship and would struggle to pay.

These spaces are limited so if a free place is not shown when you go to book, you can ask to be added to the waiting list for a free place on a future training session.

No shows and concessions 

Please note that if you don’t attend training that you have booked on without giving seven days notice, you will be required to make the full payment. This also applies to free places. This is to allow as many participants as possible access to our training. See our  Terms and Conditions  for more information.

Booking details

Book your place here.

Bookings deadline date: 11 March 2025.

Booking queries contact: info@communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk

Programme queries contact: communitysupport@communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk