A Community First Yorkshire event
North Yorkshire Children and Young People’s Providers and Partners Meeting
North Yorkshire Children and Young People’s Partnership meeting
Thursday 2 May, 2-4pm, Zoom
The draft agenda for this meeting will focus on:
- Young people not in education, employment or training (NEET)
- The FEAST programme in North Yorkshire
- Spotlight on Just ‘B’ and their services to children and young people
- Safeguarding Children Partnership update (SCP).
We always want to make sure that these meetings cover the things that are of interest and of value to you. If you have any items for the agenda, please contact dena.dalton@communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk before the meeting.
The agenda, papers and Zoom details will be sent nearer the meeting date. For past papers and meeting notes, please use this link.
If you wish to attend, please confirm here.