A Community First Yorkshire event
Combined Finance and Treasurers Network Meeting
Event aims
This is a combined network meeting for finance staff and treasurers from voluntary and community sector organisations based across North Yorkshire.
The aim is to share good practice, information, advice, tips and thoughts on all aspects of charity finance.
The first half of this meeting will focus on Gift Aid for charities and the second half will be an open forum for general discussion.
Who should attend?
This a network meeting for finance staff and treasurers from voluntary and community sector organisations based across North Yorkshire who:
- Would like information on making a Gift Aid claim
- Would welcome the opportunity to discuss with peers any issues they are currently facing
What will you learn?
During the first half of the meeting there will be a presentation explaining how Gift Aid works for charities, the rules you need to follow and how to make a claim.
During the second half of the meeting attendees will divide into two groups, one for finance staff and one for treasurers, to have open discussions on any issues they are facing. Questions can either be pre-submitted by sending them to communitysupport@communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk or by bringing them along to the meeting.
About the trainer
The meeting will be led by Joanne Abbott and Lizzie Clapham, development officers at Community First Yorkshire.
The Gift Aid presentation will be delivered by Nicky Ruddick, development officer, Community First Yorkshire
How to book
Book your place here.
If you have any questions about the training please contact Joanne Abbott or Lizzie Clapham on communitysupport@communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk
If you have any questions about booking or invoicing please contact info@communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk or telephone 01904 704177.