Just as with managing an employee, there can sometimes be problems with managing volunteers. Do you have the confidence and knowledge to know what to do when issues occur?
Can you ensure the best outcome for everyone if you have a challenging volunteering situation? We’re here to ensure that you have the procedures and knowledge in place to help you.
There are some common volunteer management problems that come up frequently. This session will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to deal with issues, including safeguarding concerns, challenging behaviour, difficult volunteers and confidentiality concerns.
What will you learn?
This training will help you understand:
- How to identify and assess problems
- Why an issue has arisen
- How to respond to challenging situations
- How to resolve problems to ensure the best outcome for all concerned
- When to ask for help, self-care and who to approach for further support.
Following the session, you will be able to:
- Write your own problem-solving procedure
- Identify when intervention is required
- Handle difficult conversations
- Take steps to protect the reputation of your organisation
- Create solutions to address any changes needed.
What’s included
We will equip you with a step by step plan and the resources to write your own problem-solving procedure including templates, best practise examples and links to further information.
Take advantage of our volunteer management training package
You can either dip your toe into this one training session, or dive right in to our volunteer management training bundle.
We’ve developed a suite of volunteer management training that covers everything you need to know about becoming a great volunteer manager, from policies and planning, to safeguarding, celebrating, recruitment and retention.
Other training sessions available to you include: