A Community First Yorkshire event
North Yorkshire Children and Young People’s Providers and Partners Meeting Thursday 7 July 2022
The Children and Young People’s Providers and Partners Meeting is made up of colleagues from voluntary and community groups, social enterprises (VCSEs) and partner organisations from across North Yorkshire, who come together to discuss a range of topics.
The agenda for the July meeting will focus on:
- NYCCG NHS mental health support research and general update
- Social and Emotional Mental Health Strategic Group update and involvement in planning structures
- Working with health – development of North Yorkshire VCSE Assembly
- Connecting people to health appointments – transport/access models emerging from a project exploring this in three areas across the county
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund North Yorkshire Investment Plan
- Safeguarding.
The agenda, papers and Zoom details will be sent nearer the meeting date. For past papers and meeting notes use this link.
Please advise if you are attending by confirming here ideally before Tuesday 5 July 2022. NOTE: If bookings are closed, please contact info@communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk to confirm place and receive an agenda. If you have agenda items you would like added please contact caroline.oneill@communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk