A Community First Yorkshire event
North Yorkshire Equality and Inclusion Partnership
This Partnership brings together colleagues from the voluntary and community sector and partner organisations from across North Yorkshire, to discuss a range of topics. The aims of the meetings are to provide a forum to:
- increase partners’ understanding of the issues facing people with protected characteristics in North Yorkshire
- ensure organisations making decisions about services provided to people with protected characteristics are aware of the issues they face, and take steps to address the issues
- create links between partners to share good practice, share plans and provide feedback on plans and changes to services.
Please send any agenda items you would like added to caroline.oneill@communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk by 4 October. The draft agenda for Wednesday 12 October 2022 meeting is:
- Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (HNY HCP) structures and development of a North Yorkshire VCSE Assembly – engaging and responding to diverse communities. An overview of the context and plan to establish the North Yorkshire VCSE Sector Health and Care Assembly was presented at an event on 21 June. Links to the recording, the transcript and the presentation are here.
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund North Yorkshire Investment Plan – Multiply Funding adult numeracy programme and meeting the needs and challenges of reaching people from Protected Characteristic Groups.
- Impact of the cost of living crisis – sharing local responses and learning from NYCC Wider Partnership conference (30 September): ‘Working together to support our communities through the cost of living crisis’.
The agenda, papers and Zoom details will be sent nearer the meeting date. NOTE: If you are not able to confirm on-line, please contact info@communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk to confirm place and receive an agenda.
How to book
Confirm your attendance here.
If you have any questions about the meeting please contact Caroline O’Neill, caroline.oneill@communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk.
If you have any questions about confirming your attendance please contact info@communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk or telephone 01904 704 177.