A Community First Yorkshire event

North Yorkshire VCSE Leaders Meeting

The North Yorkshire VCSE Leaders meeting is made up of colleagues from voluntary and community groups and social enterprises (VCSEs) from across North Yorkshire, who come together to discuss a range of topics. All voluntary group and charity leaders are invited to these meetings – everyone is welcome.

At the meeting we will discuss and share views on the following agenda items:

  • Adult safeguarding update and areas of significant risk
  • Cost of living crisis discussion of the current impact
  • Community First Yorkshire VCSE and Partner Survey discussion – developing further support for: collaboration/partnership working; climate change/reducing carbon footprint; defining, measuring and reporting on outcomes and impact; workforce health and wellbeing; succession planning, developing young talent, and leadership and management also being discussed and taken forward by the VCSE Leadership Hub Steering Group
  • North Yorkshire UK Shared Prosperity Fund 2022/25 and project overviews
  • Working with health, Place Planning and engagement in health system structures.

If you have any items for the agenda please contact caroline.oneill@communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk ideally before 15 February.

The agenda, papers and Zoom details will be sent nearer the meeting date.

Please advise if you are attending by confirming here before 23 February. Note: if confirmation is closed, please contact info@communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk to confirm and receive an agenda.