A Community First Yorkshire event

Village Halls Week celebration

village hall sign

Is your village hall the green heart of your community?

This annual Village Halls Week (18-24 March) we’re shining a light on the vital contribution that village halls make to their communities and celebrating everything village halls can do to ‘go green’.

If you have questions about what your community venue can do to boost its green impact, our Community Buildings Village Halls Week celebration has the answers.

Aligning with this year’s campaign week theme to ‘go green’, we are excited to be hosting a celebration of the amazing work village halls do to support the environment, and showcasing what your hall could do to be more green.

Join us at Sheriff Hutton Village Hall; everyone is welcome.

What will you learn?

Drop in throughout the day to discover what steps you and your hall could take to be green.

  • Reboot IT donation point: many of us have some old IT equipment at home and we’re sure that many of your village halls have old kit that could be reused. Reboot IT will take your unwanted IT items (such as laptops, tablets, smartphones and smart hubs), refurbishing them and donating them to those who need them.
  • Chat to Utility Aid about your village hall energy bills. They are holding a drop-in surgery from 10am to 3pm. Bring your bills and questions to find out what savings you could make, and how you could be more energy efficient.

Utility Aid are the UK’s leading energy broker for the charity and not-for-profit sector. As well as helping to secure new contracts with your Electric, Gas, and Water, Utility Aid can also help with supplier problems, inaccurate bills, advising on renewable energy options, and your journey to ‘Net Zero’.

Utility Aid works closely in partnership with ACRE and are the sponsors of Village Halls Week. ACRE and Utility Aid have been working closely together for a number of years. This has given Utility Aid a greater understanding of the challenges village halls and community buildings are facing in terms of their energy needs.

They will be supporting Community First Yorkshire at our Village Halls Week celebration and will be offering a bill checking service. If you are unsure you are being charged correctly, if you are in the correct VAT bracket or need something explaining, then bring your bill along to the event where a representative at Utility Aid can explain what it all means!

  • How do hall bookings work for you? Hallmaster, the hall booking experts, will be giving a live online demo of their bookings system from 12 noon to 1pm. There will be an opportunity to ask questions after the demo.
  • Open 4 Community funding portal – we’ll be launching our new open access funding portal which village halls in Yorkshire can sign up to for free. The demo will particularly focus on how to find funding for green projects for your hall. Our funding expert, Nicky, will be on hand to answer any questions you may about finding the right funding for you.
  • Age Friendly Network – find out how you can get involved with the Age Friendly Network, a North Yorkshire project that aims to give older people a voice about things that matter to them from the environment and green issues, to health, housing and employment.
  • Find our green space to share ideas and experience – this is a space to share your experiences and ideas on making your venue and community greener, do drop by our stand and have a chat.



Who should attend?

Anyone linked to village halls.

This is a chance to meet other people running village halls, network and find out what other venues are doing to take steps to be greener.

What's included?

Free refreshments and resources will be available.

Cost and concessions


Contact details

Booking details

Book your place here.

Booking deadline date: 22 March.

Do drop in throughout the day; everyone is welcome.