Grants up to £50,000 are available for charities or educational settings for projects promoting education, international friendship and understanding, world peace and development. Deadline: ongoing.
Funding focusing on children and young people
Below is a list of ongoing grants focussing on children and young people for you to have a browse through.
Please note: the ongoing grants listed below do not represent all the funds available to groups.
Searching for funding
If you wish to make a key-word search, please click below on the relevant section, then press CTRL + F. In the search box that pops up, write down the funding body or the name of the grant your are looking for.
Please note this page is reviewed monthly. For this reason, please always have a look at the funder’s websites for up-to-date information. If you know of other sources to be included below please email
Andy Fanshawe Memorial Trust
The Trust gives grants that allow disadvantaged young people to take up opportunities to experience outdoor activities such as walking, climbing, cycling, kayaking, sailing, horse riding and residential courses. The Trust usually supports individuals or small groups. Each year the Trust gives eight to twelve grants averaging £400 each. Applications can be made at any time and should be submitted via email in no more than 1,000 words. Apply any time.
Barbara Ward Children's Foundation
Grants for charitable organisations undertaking projects for severely disadvantaged children and young people anywhere in the world. The aim of the Foundation is to help small, non-religious charities to serve severely disadvantaged children anywhere in the world. In recent years, the Foundation has provided grants to organisations working on youth projects in the following categories: education, health and wellbeing, holidays, sport, play and leisure, support, care and respite. Registered charities working to improve the lives of children and young people living in the UK and throughout the world may apply. Funding is at the discretion of the Trustees. The application process is ongoing and interested applicants may apply at any time.
Barrow Cadbury Trust - Criminal Justice Programme
Discretionary grants are available to strengthen the evidence base for structural change for young adults to support their rehabilitation from crime. Deadline: ongoing.
BBC Children in Need - Core Grants
Grants to cover core costs are available for not-for-profit organisations that are working with disadvantaged children and young people aged up to 18 years and living in the UK. The Children in Need Grantmaking Strategy 2022-2025 focuses on the principles of:
- Sharing power with children and young people
- Acting flexibly
- Using its voice to build awareness and empathy around issues
- Building partnerships to bring communities and investors together.
The core grants stream can support organisations for up to three years. The maximum grant is £120,000 (or £40,000 over three years), though must grants made are for much less than this. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Groups requesting £15,000 or less will receive a quicker decision and be able to start sooner.
BBC Children in Need - Project Grants
Grants to cover project costs are available for not-for-profit organisations that are working with disadvantaged children and young people aged up to 18 years and living in the UK. The Children in Need Grantmaking Strategy 2022-2025 focuses on the principles of:
- Sharing power with children and young people
- Acting flexibly
- Using its voice to build awareness and empathy around issues
- Building partnerships to bring communities and investors together.
This stream offers project funding to organisations whose work aligns with these principles.
The project grants stream can support organisations for up to three years. The maximum grant is £120,000 (or £40,000 over three years), though most grants made are for much less than this. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Groups requesting £15,000 or less will receive a quicker decision and be able to start sooner.
Birkdale Trust for Hearing Impaired
Discretionary grants are available to advance the education and welfare of children and young people who have hearing impairments. Deadline: ongoing.
The BlueSpark Foundation
The Foundation awards grants of up to £5,000 to schools, community groups, clubs, societies or other organisations in England that aim to improve the education and development of children and young people by means of educational, cultural, sporting or other activities. The funding is intended to support projects that have the following objectives: encouraging independence; developing team working skills; developing self-confidence; promoting creativity and individuality; encouraging aspiration; enhancing educational achievement; widening educational horizons The funding is for relatively small-scale projects, which might not happen at all or would only happen on a lesser scale without the support of BlueSpark. Apply anytime.
Buttle UK - Chances for Children
Grants of up to £2,400 are available to enable vulnerable children and young people in the UK to overcome financial barriers preventing them from achieving their education, training or employment goals. Applications are only accepted from frontline professionals working closely with the children/young person, who have carried out at least one home visit, and made a full assessment of the children’s/young person’s needs. Applications may be submitted at any time.
Cash For Kids - UK (Hits Radio)
Grants are available to charities and voluntary and community groups to help disadvantaged and disabled children up to and including the age of 18 years in Hits Radio broadcast area. Grants are usually between £1,000 and £3,000. No deadline is specified but applicants are advised to check the Hits Radio website for updates.
Casey Trust
Grants are available for UK registered charities (or UK affiliates) for start-up projects, or new initiatives, taking place in the UK that exclusively support children (up to 18 years) and their welfare. Funding is at the discretion of the Trustees. Applications can be made at any time are considered several times a year.
Children’s Alliance
Grants up to £15,000 are available for not-for-profit organisations to give children and young people a better start in life through water-based activities such as swimming. Deadline: ongoing.
Community First Prime Opportunities Fund
Administered by Two Ridings Community Foundation this fund will offer grants up to £500 to support voluntary organisations, community groups, small charities and other types of not for profit organisation based in and/or serving the communities in the area served by Selby District Council. Projects must aim to address issues which create barriers to young people from Year 6 to age 19 from disadvantaged backgrounds from reaching their full potential. Priority will be given to projects aimed at supporting the most deprived communities. Apply anytime.
De Brye Charitable Trust
Grants up to £5,000 are available for charitable organisations that provide care and housing for orphans, neglected or disabled children, the elderly and visually impaired people.
To apply, contact:
De Brye Charitable Trust (Stanley Smith General Charitable Trust)
Mercer & Hole Trustees Ltd
72 London Road
St Albans
Tel: 01727 869141Deadline: ongoing.
Earl Fitzwilliam Charitable Trust
Discretionary grants are available for charitable organisations undertaking social welfare or community projects in Yorkshire-based Fitzwilliam estate locations. Email to find out more. Deadline: ongoing.
Ed De Nunzio Charitable Trust
The Trust aims to work with VCS organisations in York and the York area to help young people reach their full potential. The Trust primarily supports children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and activities offering opportunities to expand physical, educational, social and emotional horizons. Grants must benefit 5-21 year olds and range from £100 to £10,000. Apply any time.
Family Action - National School Breakfast Programme
The National School Breakfast Programme (NSBP) funded by the Department for Education and delivered by Family Action, is now live to support schools to provide children with a healthy breakfast. Deadline: ongoing.
Family Fund Trust
Grants are available to help families, or groups applying on their behalf, in the UK who are raising a disabled or seriously ill child or young person up to the age of 18 years. Grants are subject to the funding being available and is awarded at the discretion of the Family Fund. Applications may be made at any time.
Happy Days Children’s Charity
Funding for families with children aged 3-17 who are disabled, have a special need or have been abused. The Charity accepts applications from parents, guardians, grandparents or siblings, plus from GPs, consultants, nurses or social workers. The minimum or maximum grant levels are not specified. Applications may be submitted at any time.
Hargreaves Foundation
Around £2 million is distributed in grants per year to charities and educational institutions that support those under the age of 18 years, and living with a mental health problem, physical disability or growing up in poverty through the mediums of sport and education. Please note that organisations from across the UK are eligible, but priority will be given to organisations based in and/or working in the South West. Applications can be made any time.
James Ahern Foundation
Grants are available for individuals or local youth groups for projects that enable young people, particularly those with mental health or addiction issues, to pursue their passion in life. Grants are awarded at the discretion of the Trustees. Applications can be made at any time and will be considered on receipt.
Joanies Fund (Capital Funding included)
The Joanies Fund welcomes applications from organisations working with young people aged up to 25. It is particularly interested in projects that lead to employment, accreditation, further education, training and integration. It looks for innovation and entrepreneurship. Average grant is £3,500. The grants can be used for running costs, both project and core costs, and capital costs. The Trustees meet three times each year. Groups should contact the Foundation’s office for the date of the next meeting.
The John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank
The John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank is available for young people who live in Hull, East Riding and the towns of Malton, Norton on Derwent, Pickering and Scarborough, aged up to and including 21 years old. It offers grants of up to £1,000 for individuals or groups of young people who need finance to help make their idea happen. (More funding will be considered in exceptional circumstances). The idea should benefit other people or help the applicant develop an enterprising idea. Applications for assistance can be made at any time.
Leslie Sell Charitable Trust
Grants are available for trips or projects associated with the Scouts or Guides movement within the UK. Funding is at the discretion of the Trust. Eligible organisations must be part of the Scouts or Guides associations. Applications are now accepted any time.
Little Lives Children's Community Support Programme
Grants up to £2,200 are available for smaller UK community organisations that work with children to help them deliver activities and services. Applications are assessed once a month with the deadline on the last day of each month.
Monica Rabagliati Charitable Trust
Funding is available for charities working towards the alleviation of child suffering and deprivation. Funding is at the discretion of the Trustees. Most grants tend to be in the £2,000 to £3,000 range. Apply any time; applications are considered twice yearly. The Trust does not have an email or a website. For further information on how to obtain this grant locally, please contact the following: Monica Rabagliati Charitable Trust, SG Kleinwort Hambros Trust Company Limited, 5th Floor, 8 St James’s Square, London SW1Y 4JU, Tel: 020 7597 3065
National Deaf Children’s Society
Grants of up to £1,000 are available to support young deaf people across the United Kingdom to create exciting new projects that benefit their lives and improve local communities. Groups of young people between 8 and 25 years led by deaf young people old can apply. Groups can be a mixture of deaf and hearing young people. There must be a minimum of two young people involved in the proposed project (applications involving just one young person should contact the Society to discuss further). A youth worker or an organisation (school, a youth group, uniformed groups etc) must be involved to support and manage the funds. Applications can be submitted at any time.
The Paul Curran Celebration Trust
The trust can offer grants to children and young people up to the age of 30, who have any form of disability together with dependents or carers. The Trust will give grants for health needs, education and training. It will also provide advocacy/advice and information. The Trust operates only in the locality of Richmondshire. Please note that applications are welcomed from third party applicants, ie. Teachers, Social Workers, Health Professionals etc.
Phoenix Way Children and Youth Round
Grants of between £30,000 – £50,000 for one year to support a new project, an existing project, or the expansion of a project for racially minoritized-led groups and organisations who support children and young people aged 18 and under that are at considerable risk of becoming involved in violence.
Prowdes Educational Foundation
The fund is for the benefit of the founder’s kin and boys and young men between the ages of 9 and 25 who are residents in North Yorkshire, to assist with their education by grant of Prowdes Exhibitions to candidates approved by the Trustees in their absolute discretion. Tel: 02392799142, email:
The Scout Association - Scout Grants Committee UK HQ Grants
Grants are available to Scout groups across the UK. A number of funds are available with varying levels of grant. The amount of the applicant’s own available funds will be taken into account when deciding the level of grant to be offered. Grants are available to Scout groups for activities, events and equipment that will benefit local Scouting. A full list of eligible funding opportunities can be accessed on the Scout Association’s website. Applications can be made at any time.
The Tallulah Lewis Foundation Limited
Grants are available for UK based organisations who are working with young people living or working in the UK who are experiencing financial hardship. Funding is at the discretion of the Trustees. Applications will be considered from not-for-profit groups and organisations as well as individuals. An application form for groups and organisations can be requested by contacting the Tallulah Lewis Foundation Limited. For further information please email:
Tesco Stronger Starts
Grants are available to non-profit making, constituted groups and organisations for local good causes that focus on supporting children and families in the UK. The current focus of the programme is projects working in schools to provide healthy food and snacks to pupils and equipment for indoor and outdoor activities.
Toy Trust
Grants are available for registered charities undertaking projects to support disadvantaged and disabled children who are under 13 years of age within the UK and abroad. Grants for less than £5,000 are considered. However, the Trust may make larger and longer commitment for special projects. Applications can be made at any time throughout the year and will be considered at the next Trustee meeting. The following deadlines apply:
- Mid February for the March meeting
- Mid June for the July meeting
- Mid August for the September meeting
- Mid November for the December meeting.
True Colours Trust - UK Small Grants
Small grants of up to £10,000 are available to UK registered charities and community interest companies that are working to make a difference to the lives of disabled children and their families in the UK. Applications are accepted from UK registered charitable organisations and community interest companies with an annual income of less than £350,000 and which are delivering projects in the UK. Organisations must be working with children and young people aged from 0-25 years. Apply any time. The Trust aims to respond to applications with a final decision within six weeks.
Variety Club - Equipment Grants
Grants are available for specialist equipment for the direct use of children up to the age of 18 years who are sick, disabled or disadvantaged and are resident in the UK. There is no lower or upper limit on the level of grant which may be awarded. Applications can be made from non-profit making groups and organisations. These include statutory bodies (schools and hospitals), hospices and small registered charities. Applications can be made at any time.
Whirlwind Charitable Trust
Grants are available to not-for-profit groups for projects which improve the lives of disadvantaged people, often young people, with an additional focus on understanding and improving the marine environment in the UK. Funding is at the discretion of the Trustees. Last year, grants ranged from £1,000 to £10,000. Applications are generally only accepted from registered charities. Applications can be submitted at any time and will be considered at the next quarterly Trustee meetings.
Wooden Spoon Charity
Grants are available for organisations that are working to support disadvantaged and disabled children in the UK. There is neither a minimum nor maximum grant level. However, it is unlikely that a project of a physical nature that is under £5,000 will have sufficient substance and scale to qualify. Wooden Spoon supports projects which will benefit children and young people under 25 years of age who are disadvantaged physically, mentally or socially. Projects must normally be of a capital nature, with a reasonably long-term prospective lifetime. Applicants should note that given the pandemic situation, the amount of available funding has been reduced. The funder suggests as a first step groups complete the online expression of wish form for an initial assessment. Applications may be submitted at any time.