Banking advice – The NCVO (National Council for Voluntary Organisations) guide offers helpful banking advice to charities and voluntary organisations.
Managing a charity’s finances (CC12) – This is Charity Commission’s advice for charities that are facing financial difficulties and how charities can reduce the risk of insolvency.
Charity reporting and accounting: the essentials November 2016 (CC15d) – Charity Commission’s guidance on what trustees need to do when preparing trustees’ annual reports, accounts and annual returns for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 November 2016.
Charity reserves: building resilience (CC19) – This Charity Commission’s guidance will help you find out what charity reserves are and how to develop and report on a charity’s reserves policy.
Charities and risk management (CC26) – Find out how trustees can identify, assess and manage risks to their charity with this guidance by the Charity Commission.
VCSEs: A guide to working with government – The Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport Guide has published this guide for VCSE organisations on how to bid and win contracts with the government.
NCVO Funding and Income – find practical tips and step-by-step guides on how to find the money you need for your community group, organisation or charity.
Bates Wells – Crisis Decision Tool – a useful planning tool to use in a crisis.
School for Social Entrepreneurs – Recover & Rebuild – cashflow in a crisis – a Covid-19 related 40 min Youtube video on cash flow, recovery and rebuilding.
GOV.UK – guidance about coronavirus related financial difficulties for charities.
NCVO – Financial difficulty and insolvency – a useful guide on what to think about if your organisation is in serious financial difficulty.
GOV.UK – Charity money, tax and accounts – this will take you to a list of contents on for charity money, tax and accounts.
NCVO – Fundraising, finances, and the future – four-in-one training pack, this will take you to a list of useful charges for courses.
CFG – The small charities guide to preventing fraud – this simple guide and checklist will help you keep your organisation safe.
Making Tax DigitalCharity Digital – take your first step to becoming HMRC compliant – this resource is quite technical but very useful.