It's all about supporting people

People are the bedrock of voluntary and community groups; be they paid staff, volunteers or the community you work with.

Well trained staff and volunteers and understanding the needs of your community are key to success.

Here you can find help to develop your paid and voluntary workforce and reach out to your community.

Have a question or can’t find what you are looking for? Contact us on or 01904 704177.

Don’t forget that if you need affordable, practical HR support, our Employment Advice Service can help. Find out more on our Community First Yorkshire website.

Community First Yorkshire resources

Equality Diversity and Inclusion Organisational Health Check – want to create a more inclusive, supportive, and high-performing workplace or volunteer team? Our Equality & Inclusion Health Check is here to help.

Help! I’m feeling stressed!: This is a list of free resources and links available to support people in the VCSE sector with burnout, stress and other wellbeing issues.

52 (almost) painless things your community can do – sometimes, when you know you want to take positive action in your community, having that initial inspiration is the hardest part. From setting up a photography club to running a car-sharing scheme, we’ve got some great ideas on what your community can do.

Effective Community Engagement Guidebook and Toolkit – we have created this handy resource, comprising a guidebook and toolkit, which brings together learning from a range of communities and provides a step-by-step guide to running an effective community engagement project. The link will open up on our Community First Yorkshire website.

Social Prescribing Guide and Toolkit – our toolkit gives an overview and checklist for organisations to help them provide services that improve people’s overall health and wellbeing, and connect them to their local communities. The link will take you to our Community First Yorkshire website.

Employing a member of staff – the perfect crib sheet for everything you need to know if you’re a voluntary group or small charity who is employing a member of staff for the first time.


Youth Loneliness toolkit – a Community First Yorkshire guide to supporting young people.

Workplace loneliness toolkit – a Community First Yorkshire guide to help manage loneliness at work.

Community First Yorkshire – Making Every Contact Count (MECC) – this webinar explains why tackling loneliness matters in our communities and how having connecting conversations, using the Making Every Contact Count approach, can help them be stronger and more resilient.


We have a wealth of resources to help you recruit, retain and support volunteers including a Volunteer Management toolkit and a Trustee Recruitment toolkit. Find all these resources and more on our volunteering page.


Neurodiversity toolkit – West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnerships toolkit can help employers, staff and potential applicants navigate workplace neurodiversity.

Talking about Cancer – Macmillan Cancer Support’s latest resource outlines how you can approach talking about cancer and why it is important to do so.

Better Health Quit Smoking – Department of Health & Social Care have launched a toolkit for councils, to help them encourage residents to quit smoking.

Cancer and Domestic Violence toolkit – Macmillan Cancer Support has launched a toolkit for professionals about cancer and domestic abuse.

Workplace wellbeing  – Mental Heath at Work and Simply Business have created a support hub to support you on your journey towards workplace wellbeing. It’s packed full of useful resources.

‘Our best mental health tips’ – This guide by the Mental Health Foundation provides you with the best tips on how to look after your mental health – backed by research.

St John Ambulance mental health resources – St John Ambulance have created mental health resources on how to create and maintain a supportive workplace where employees can thrive.

Looking after employee health, safety, and wellbeing on returning to the workplace – Zurich’s returning to work guide provides useful information about safe working procedures and lone working, providing a checklist of key considerations.

Guide for employers on how they can tackle loneliness – this is a guide produced by The Campaign to End Loneliness with examples of good practice and learning, with five key themes in tackling loneliness at work.

Youth Loneliness toolkit – a Community First Yorkshire guide to supporting young people.

Workplace loneliness toolkit – a Community First Yorkshire guide to help manage loneliness at work.

Community First Yorkshire – Social Prescribing Guide and Toolkit – an overview and checklist to help organisations as they work to improve people’s overall health and wellbeing, and help them with their local communities.

Mind Coronavirus and your mental health – Information resources are available to help people cope during this time including pages on difficult feelings about the coronavirus pandemic, anxiety and panic attacks.

What Works Centre for Wellbeing – volunteer wellbeing: what works and who benefits?

Zero Suicide Alliance – Life Matters Podcast Series.

Harrogate District Harnessing the Power of Community –Wellbeing at Work guide.

Catalyst – 40 tools for creating human connection through your digital services.

School for Social Entrepreneurs – recover & rebuild: managing wellbeing & avoiding burnout.

Samaritans – resources about your mental health and wellbeing during the coronavirus outbreak.

York & North Yorkshire Growth Hub – Mental Health & Wellbeing Toolkit.

Zero Suicide Alliance – e-training.

IDAS – domestic abuse awareness training

The Open University – young people’s wellbeing training.

A collection of free mental health courses by Future Learn to debunk common misconceptions and put a stop to mental health stigma.