Ideas to help you help your community

Want to make a difference in your community and not sure how to get started?

Got a great idea for a local project but stumped on how to get it off the ground? Our resources, toolkits and guides will help you turn your idea into a reality.

Have a question or can’t find what you are looking for? Contact us at or 01904 704177.

Emergency Response Toolkit – during times of societal unrest and disruption, this guide can help you find support and guidance for your organisation.

Social Action Toolkit – what is social action and how can you make it work to improve or make changes in your community? Our toolkit will help you be inspired with practical tips, tools and resources for activities to help people get involved with local activities.

52 (almost) painless things your community can do – sometimes, when you know you want to take positive action in your community, having that initial inspiration is the hardest part. From setting up a photography club to running a car-sharing scheme, we’ve got some great ideas on what your community can do.

Effective Community Engagement Guidebook and Toolkit – we have created this handy resource on our Community First Yorkshire website, comprising a guidebook and toolkit, which brings together learning from a range of communities and provides a step-by-step guide to running an effective community engagement project.

Building Connected Communities poster – some great ideas on ways for you and your community can work to make a difference.

How-to guide: turn your idea into a reality – do you have a fantastic idea but are not sure how to make it a reality? A little bit of careful thought, planning and preparation will help you to make sure that the reality lives up to the expectation.

Circular Towns Guide – the circular economy can help communities and the planet, but it can be difficult to know where to start. York and North Yorkshire LEP’s Circular Towns Guide explains the concepts in context, and provides a simple, flexible framework to help communities create action, launch new initiatives, become part of a larger network of Circular Towns, and move towards a greener, fairer, stronger future. The guide is illustrated with various exercises and case studies, and is completely free to access. For more information on the guide, email Erin Wheeler, Circular Economy Officer at YNY LEP,

Taking social action

Social Action Toolkit

What is social action and how can you make it work to make improvements and change in your community? Our toolkit will help you be inspired with practical tips, tools and resources for activities to help people get involved with local activities.

Grant or community funding for businesses information sheet

Funding for social action and community activities is not necessarily straightforward, read more about it here.

Fundraising for Social Action

This guide will help you think about the process and give you additional information and tools that you might need.

Informal volunteering information sheet

Volunteering informally within your community can be very rewarding, but before you start, you may want to consider the following advice, so that you keep yourself and those in your community safe.

Terms of reference

Setting out clear terms of reference will help to consolidate your idea and support you to achieve your goals. Our simple template below can help you get started.


Social action planning template

This planning template has been designed to help you plan your social action idea in your local community.

Evaluating your activity guide

Use our handy guide to help you think about how to evaluate your own activity.

Banking for small community groups guide

This short guide will take you through the various steps and give you an overview of the process.

Contact sheet

Use this contact sheet template to keep in touch with people who have expressed an interest in your social action idea.

Promoting your event and sharing news with your community

Read our guide for some ideas for free and low cost things you might like to consider to help promote your event.

Top tips for increasing your social media impact

Our tips for social media below will help you get started with the basics.

Community Engagement Checklist

You can use this checklist to help you think about how you involve the local community in your ideas and plans for social action.

Simple guide to risk assessments

Read our information sheet to help you navigate assessing risks.

Event / Activity Risk Assessment

Use this template as a guide to assessing risks.